Our Mission

EDGELIOT aims to be the global provider of Air Quality and Carbon Emissions data so that we can better measure, model, and take scientifically validated actions to enhance both our air quality and our Carbon Footprint. This leads to improved health, lifestyle and well being of citizens and limits climate change and its devastating impact on food supply, drinking water, habitats and extreme weather events.

Enhance Air Quality leading to improved health, lifestyle and well-being of citizens.

EDGELIOT measures the effectiveness of your initiatives to improve air quality and reduce carbon footprint. This enables our users to prioritise their investment and efforts on initiatives with the greatest yields and benefits.

Limit Climate Change and its devastating impact on food supply, water, habitats and extreme weather.

Our licensed data can be printed, published to the web, distributed to the media, displayed on prominently located screens and more, to help gain buy-in, approval and ongoing support from citizens and stakeholders. We help provide the justification and momentum to sustain environmental initiatives.

We enable our customers to be a leading city for lifestyle, health and wellbeing with a thriving, sustainable economy

Our mission is to help our users derive the benefits from Improved Air Quality and Reduced Carbon Footprint

Our mission is to help our users derive the benefits from Improved Air Quality and Reduced Carbon Footprint

Air Quality Benefits

Improved Public Health

Good air quality reduces the risk of respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and other health problems associated with air pollution. This leads to fewer hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs, and an overall healthier population. It allows better sleep.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Cleaner air creates a more pleasant environment for residents to live, work, and play in. People can enjoy outdoor activities without concerns about air pollution, leading to increased physical activity levels and better mental well-being.

Increased Economic Productivity

Better air quality can lead to higher productivity among workers. When people are healthier and not suffering from pollution-related illnesses, they are more productive at work, leading to economic growth and prosperity for the city.

Attraction of Businesses and Talent

Cities with good air quality are more attractive to businesses seeking to establish operations and to talented individuals looking for places to live and work. This can stimulate economic development and job creation within the city.

Improved Public Health

Good air quality reduces the risk of respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and other health problems associated with air pollution. This leads to fewer hospitalizations, lower healthcare costs, and an overall healthier population. It allows better sleep.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Cleaner air creates a more pleasant environment for residents to live, work, and play in. People can enjoy outdoor activities without concerns about air pollution, leading to increased physical activity levels and better mental well-being.

Increased Economic Productivity

Better air quality can lead to higher productivity among workers. When people are healthier and not suffering from pollution-related illnesses, they are more productive at work, leading to economic growth and prosperity for the region.

Environmental Benefits

Good air quality is often indicative of a healthier environment overall. It supports biodiversity, reduces damage to ecosystems, and helps mitigate climate change by decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.

Reduced Healthcare Costs

By preventing or reducing the incidence of pollution-related illnesses, regions can save significant amounts of money on healthcare expenditures. This allows for more efficient allocation of resources towards other essential services and infrastructure projects.

Compliance with Regulations

Maintaining good air quality ensures that cities remain compliant with environmental regulations and standards set by regional, national, and international governing bodies. This helps avoid fines and penalties associated with non-compliance while also fostering a positive reputation for the region.

Long-term Sustainability

Investing in measures to improve air quality promotes sustainable development by safeguarding the health and well-being of current and future generations. This aligns with broader sustainability goals and contributes to the resilience of the region in the face of environmental challenges.

Attraction of Businesses and Talent

Regions with good air quality are more attractive to businesses seeking to establish operations and to talented individuals looking for places to live and work. This can stimulate economic development and job creation within the region.

Social Equity

Poor air quality often disproportionately affects vulnerable communities such as low-income neighborhoods and marginalized populations. By prioritizing efforts to improve air quality, region managers can promote social equity and environmental justice within their regions.

Reduced Healthcare Costs

By preventing or reducing the incidence of pollution-related illnesses, regions can save significant amounts of money on healthcare expenditures. This allows for more efficient allocation of resources towards other essential services and infrastructure projects.

Compliance with Regulations

Maintaining good air quality ensures that regions remain compliant with environmental regulations and standards set by regional, national, and international governing bodies. This helps avoid fines and penalties associated with non-compliance while also fostering a positive reputation for the region.

Long-term Sustainability

Investing in measures to improve air quality promotes sustainable development by safeguarding the health and well-being of current and future generations. This aligns with broader sustainability goals and contributes to the resilience of the region in the face of environmental challenges.

Maintaining good air quality yields numerous benefits for cities, their residents, and the environment. EDGELIOT provides the data and software tools to measure and monitor the effectiveness of policies and programmes to achieve and sustain these benefits over the long term.

Carbon Reduction Benefits

Mitigating Climate Change

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. By reducing these emissions, we can slow down the rate of climate change and lessen its impacts, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, and disruptions to ecosystems.

Improving Air Quality

Many of the activities that produce greenhouse gases also release air pollutants that harm human health, such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. By decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, we can simultaneously reduce air pollution, leading to cleaner and healthier air for people to breathe.

Preserving Biodiversity

Climate change poses a significant threat to biodiversity, as shifting temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can disrupt ecosystems and threaten species survival. By mitigating climate change through greenhouse gas reduction, we can help protect vulnerable habitats and the plants and animals that depend on them.

Enhancing Public Health

Improving air quality and mitigating climate change can have direct benefits for public health. Reduced air pollution levels can decrease the incidence of respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, addressing climate change can reduce the health risks associated with extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and hurricanes.

Economic Opportunities

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy can create new economic opportunities, such as the development of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency improvements, and green technologies. These sectors can generate jobs, spur innovation, and drive economic growth while reducing reliance on fossil fuels and their associated costs and risks.

Energy Security

Dependence on fossil fuels for energy can leave countries vulnerable to price volatility and geopolitical tensions. By diversifying energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, nations can enhance their energy security and reduce their exposure to these risks.

Resilience to Climate Impacts

While efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are critical for mitigating climate change, adaptation measures are also necessary to cope with the impacts that are already occurring or are unavoidable. By investing in adaptation strategies alongside emission reduction efforts, communities can become more resilient to climate-related risks such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and changing precipitation patterns.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Cleaner air creates a more pleasant environment for residents to live, work, and play in. People can enjoy outdoor activities without concerns about air pollution, leading to increased physical activity levels and better mental well-being.

Increased Economic Productivity

Better air quality can lead to higher productivity among workers. When people are healthier and not suffering from pollution-related illnesses, they are more productive at work, leading to economic growth and prosperity for the city.

Overall, reducing greenhouse gas emissions offers a wide range of benefits that extend beyond environmental conservation, positively impacting human health, economic prosperity, and societal well-being.

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