Our Partners
EDGELIOT has established key partnerships with significant players in the Climate Monitoring and Technology and Telecommunications areas as follows:

Terrain-AI is Ireland’s signature Climate Monitoring research group. They currently use the Edgliot data and the data platform for research which is combined and referenced against gold standard laboratory based measurements.

Microsoft Ireland have funded the rollout of the Edgeliot pilot project (called Urban-Sense) in Dublin and are a commercial partner on the SFI funded Terrain-AI project.

Cellnex is the largest Telecommunication Infrastructure provider in Europe and is a key partner for the deployment of Edgeliot sensors.

Delmec is an International Telecommunication manufacturing and Engineering services company and partners with Edgeliot on technology deployments and sensor mountings.

Blues is an Internet of Things connectivity company that provides wireless services to end devices. Edgeliot connectivity options include Blues wireless services (as well as 4G).